- Active participation (15% of final grade)
- Film & history worksheets (due in class every week) (10%)
- Frequent in-class quizzes (typically once a week) (5%)
- Group presentation – scene analysis (5%)
- Paper (4-6 pp.) (20%)
- Three short exams (30%)
- A comprehensive final examination (15%)
Your final grade is based on the percentages above. It is based on a good faith effort on all assignments. My aim is to measure your effort, the level of your thinking and writing, as well as the progress you make across the semester.
I grade worksheets and quizzes on a check/check plus/check minus scale, in which a check equals 5 of 6 points, a check plus equals 6 of 6 points, and a check minus equals 4 of 6 points.
I follow the College of Wooster guidelines for grading. A grade in the “A” range indicates excellent work, the “B” range indicates good work, the “C” range indicates satisfactory work, the “D” range indicates a minimal passing performance. A grade of “F” indicates unsatisfactory work.
If you miss a Film & History Worksheet or an in-class quiz because of a pre-arranged absence (for illness or other important reason), you can turn in the worksheet on Wednesday or take a make-up quiz within a week. I’ll accept Film & History Worksheets one day late for partial credit.
I’ll drop the two lowest grades on the Film & History Worksheets across the semester. I’ll drop the lowest grade for every 5 in-class quizzes.