How to Succeed in this Course


  • Schedule time for your course work. The general expectation is that you will spend two to three hours outside of class for every hour in class. Some days it will be less, some days more. Don’t fall behind.
  • Start a notebook devoted to this class. Take notes on the reading, the presentations, the discussions. These will come in handy when you are writing your papers. But they are good for more than this. The act of taking notes will help you think. Really.
  • Read well, but don’t get bogged down in the details. Read with a pencil or highlighter in your hand. Underline key passages and write comments and questions in the margins. Take good notes on the reading to prepare for discussion. Note that you won’t be able to use your device to access the reading in class (but you will be able to use your notebook).
  • Come to class ready to take part in the discussion. Bring your questions and your observations.
  • Take good notes in class as well, on the discussions as well as on lectures. These will come in handy when you are writing your papers and preparing for exams. But they are good for more than this. The act of taking notes will help you think. Really.
  • Don’t be afraid to join in the discussion, even if you’re not sure of what you want to say. Don’t be afraid to go out on limb. Don’t be afraid of getting something wrong.
  • Come see the professor at office hours.
  • Form a study group to prepare for exams.
  • Begin your papers early. Read the assignments and paper guidelines carefully. Don’t start writing your papers until you’ve done some thinking, taken some notes, and put together a plan for your paper.
  • Take advantage of your resources as you need them. Ask for help when you need it – or even if you are not sure if you need it.
  • Enjoy the course. You are lucky to have this opportunity. (We all are).


If you run into problems, find yourself falling behind, or if you simply have questions about the class, contact me immediately at and sign up for office hours at: My Bookings Page