In small groups you will analyze a scene from the week’s film and share a simple presentation with the class. What should you do?
- Watch the film – together or on your own
- Get together (yes, in person) to talk about the film – as a work of cinema and as a historical source. Pick one important scene that deserves a close look. It should be a scene that is memorable and revealing.
- Prepare a brief introduction to the scene – and a brief explanation of why it is important. Prepare a brief analysis of the scene. This should include explanation of the elements of film – the cinematography, the editing, the sound, etc. – and your interpretation.
- Come to class with the scene you’d like me to show – just note the minute and second marker where you’d like to begin (and end). We have time for up to 3 minutes in class.
In class:
- You will introduce the scene
- I will show it
- You will present your analysis. You can ask me to stop the scene as you discuss – or wait until the scene is done to explain.
- Please make sure that everyone in the group has a chance to present a piece of your analysis
Have fun with this assignment. The stakes are not high. But use this as an opportunity to break down a scene in detail together with your classmates.